Friday, December 8, 2006

SBY Takut Istri?

So he announced that he just took on another wife. I don’t watch much terrestrial channel but apparently it was all over the place, the two wives going on rounds of press conferences and all.

Now the President is considering a revision to the polygamy law.

Frankly, at first, this was all a non-starter for me. A religious figure decided to remarry, so what? If anything, I feel it was totally irresponsible of him to be so publicly apologetic. He admitted that it was a hard decision to make and he probably wasn’t setting the best of examples and the public – all several hundred millions of them who listens to what he says every day – are free to choose another, better example.
I failed to comprehend that. It’s silly.

If you don’t think it’s wrong, why apologise? And if you sincerely think you’re an unsuitable leader, then for the love of God, vacate the news space already! Dismiss yourself. Have some dignity. You can’t suggest that your followers follow someone else and at the same time arrange for massive media coverage over the whole thing. It’s bizarre.

But back to the President, his reaction was even more mind boggling. According to several very verifiable sources inside the Presidential household, Mrs. President has been giving her husband a hard time for this stuff. The First Lady sympathises with first wives everywhere and quite simply, light a dynamite in the presidential bottom. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Within the last week, the President and his staff have been very busy investigating and holding important meetings with various lobbies to see how he could possibly advance this issue. All sorts of smart people turned up at the palace to contribute and what was a cheapish tabloid gossip is quickly taking shape as an entirely different animal.

This is now the green Moslem lobby against the liberal-secular lobby (and their wives). Prominent figures are quick to frame the polygamy question as yet another attack into religious freedom and the secular group are touting the virtues of the modern world.

The President moves quickly and rides the momentum with little hesitation. Fully anticipating a resistance in the parliament, he’s getting a Presidential Decree (not requiring parliamentary approval) to ban all public servants from polygamy.

For a President with little legislative support, he sure knows how to the quick votes.

Well, what do I have to say about all this?

Not much really, except that it is sad that the President is finding this sort of stuff to be more important than actually trying to run the country.

But I’m currently single and I don’t have an irksome wife in the kitchen, so who am I to speak?


FirstNations said...

ive never understood the big whoop de do over polygamy. marry as many as will have you or not; so what?
prohibiting multiple marriage for government employees is a nice way to cause instant division in the ranks, though.

in_absentia said...

Right on the money. SBY quickly retracted his calls for revisions to the law. Said it's a matter of the law's enforcement as oppose to the law itself. He's either genit or simply has no credible lawyer - and I'm not soliciting work myself. In all respect, nice scores for women voters.

Anonymous said...

i think it's good for him to be in ikatan suami takut istri for once in a while. am afraid his ego will swallow him alive if he's a non-member... hahakhakhakhk...

Come Back Brighter said...

I guess if all parties know what's going on, why shouldn't polygamy be legal? It's only when someone has several wives and they all think they're the only one that it's a problem. That said, I'm fascinated and faintly amused by the whole thing.

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