Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the Return of the King

One headline caught my attention over the weekend, Tommy is getting his old stash back from Bank Mandiri. For some reasons this is relegated to less important news category, I think most people have already given up with the Cendanas. There’s little you can do full stop.

The legalese bores me, the point of the decision was to award Tommy’s Timor Putra Nasional with a little over one trillion rupiah (that’s US$100m) that was seized prior to him going to prison.

This is just one of those things I will never truly understand. The man went to prison for killing a Justice and he won the biggest sentence reduction in the history of judicial system. Upon his return, he gets his money back. With interest.

A while ago, when the AG dropped charges against his dad, I spoke to a few friends. To me, it was a major let down when SBY let the old man go on the very same day that students were getting killed trying to get him back.

My friends, all student activists in their days, convinced me that there’re a lot more to come. That wasn’t the end of it. There are reasons to hope that things will get better. The Supreme Court is getting better, Abdulrahman Saleh will improve the AG office. KPK will do something about things.

The more you pin your hopes on these things the more it looks like the system simply will never survive against Tommy and the likes.

It’s sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is sad if you look at it from a bird eye view. But hey these are two different things. The US$100 comes out of a debt related case while you were ranting bout his good luck in his criminal ones. Maybe it doesn't sound right, but consider this. You were charged for sodomy (let's suppose it is a crime). Then you owe money to a bank and they seize your house. The fact that you're serving time doesn't mean to have to loose your house too. Yes it's Tommy and yes it's the Cendanas. But if it you don't want it to happen to you then let's not allow it to happen to anyone else. Including Tommy, the &*^)YT*. The court decision - this is fascinating but that's for another comment.