Friday, August 24, 2007

'The best way to kill an idea is to form a committee'

I think that's how the saying goes. And I think that;s what SBY meant when out of the blue he coined that idea before DPD yesterday. DPD failed to get sufficient political support to amend the constitution and the senates who initially proposed the amendments have actually withdrawn those proposal.

Now SBY is calling for a more thoughtful concepts and broader amendments (not only regional government's, thus DPD's, interest). These things takes time and require clever guys and gals to think through. So voila - he proposed a constituional amendment committee.

Just a refresher on contemporary history. Back in 2002-2003 when four amendments to the Indonesian 1945 constitution was debated there were calls for a constitutional committee - yours truly was involved. The idea then was to create a more participatory process piggy backing on nation building momentum after the fall of Soeharto.

The parliament toyed with the idea, rejected it but then adopted it in the end. But in the form of experts who went on their way to 'harmonize' (god how I hate this word) the various clauses of the constitutions. Yes, an artisan work. Even then most of the committee's recommendations were rejected by the parliament.

And now SBY wants to set up similar committee. Hah... what for? No political momentum means this thing will only b worse then the last. Maybe he just want to comfort DPD. But it's uncalled for. Or maybe he's aiming at something else?